Korean Kitchen - Vivien's Cooking

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Main menu:

The Korean Kitchen

Class A :
Kimchi, €45  p.p.
Minimum number of participants: 10
Content: different kinds of kimchi made with vegetables and mushrooms
Duration: 2 hours (approx.)

Class B :
Bibimbap, €49  p.p.
Minimum number of participants: 10
Content: bibimbap, Korean mixed vegetables rice bowl
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (approx.)

Class C :
Seafood and beef stew, €75  p.p.
Minimum number of  participants: 8
Content: Korean seafood and beef stew
Duration: 3 hours +  (approx.)

We provide all the ingredients and kitchen utensils.  ​You will get a glass pot to store your kimichi, a take-away box to store bibimbap. For class C (seafood and beef stew), all participants can stay at the studio to dine in for 1 hour.

Minimum participants:
You can have your own group that reaches the minimum number of participants. Let us know your prefer dates and we will check the availability of the cooking studio. For any individual participants, the workshop will be cancelled if there're not enough other participants.

Workshop booking method:
Please include your prefer dates the type of workshop, your email address and contact number:
1. Via Facebook messenger @vivienscooking
2. Via Instagram @vivienscooking
3. Send an email to
info@viviennestudio.nl with the title 'Korean Kitchen workshop'
4. Whatsapp 06 1218 7207 , leave your email address and contact number
You will receive an email from us about the booking status one week before the workshop. If there're not enough participants, the workshop will be cancelled.

Payment method:
Pay in advance via bank transfer. Once there are enough participants in a class, you will receive a notice of the booking with payment details.

Booking confirmation:
We will send you a booking confirmation once the payment is settled before the workshop.
Please bring the booking confirmation (a printout or on your mobile) to the workshop.
Copyright© Vivien's Cooking, Vivienne Studio 2019 - 2020. All rights reserved. Alle Rechten Voorbehouden.
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